Category: Uncategorized
What is the most important component of player development? What is the most common thing coaches tell their players they need to improve on? What…
At KPI we track everything. We have created an incredible hitting system in our development program that is a simple system of checks and balances.…
KPI Pitcher Development Program Winter ‘21-’22 ReviewNovember 8th – February 8th
At KPI, our Winter Program lasts about 12 weeks…
At KPI we get a wide range of athletes that walk into our door. The vast majority of our clients are looking for guidance and structure so they can…
We like to over-communicate at KPI. This is for one simple reason… so we ALL can move these athletes to develop and push them in the right…
The game of baseball is in constant evolution, but it is historically much slower than the other sports. Baseball is rooted in tradition, maybe…
Social media has fundamentally changed how our society works. We now consume our information in different ways, communicate through different…
Very often in the baseball world there is a distinction between the kind of coaching that happens in a training facility and the kind that happens…
Imagine this, you walk into a gym and notice athletes of all different backgrounds, sports, positions, ages, sizes, etc. all training at the same…
As the mindset and rhetoric in baseball shifts (rightfully so) towards player development and away from showcases, specialty teams that don’t…