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Individualized Development.  Technology Fueled.

State-of-the-Art Athlete Training on the West Coast

Athlete Assessments and Training on the West Coast

Kinetic Performance Institute in Morgan Hill, CA is a one-stop shop for complete baseball & softball training for players at every level. Whether you’re looking to make the high school team or play at the college level, our training programs, player assessments, and nutrition and arm care programs are designed to prepare players with the tools they need to play their best in front of coaches, scouts, and recruiters. Our ultimate goal is to develop the best in high-quality athletes and respectable young men and women. Contact us to learn more about our programs and our facility.

Man Doing Exercise And Screen Showing Data in San Jose, CA

Choose a Side & See Your Dreams Become a Reality

Kinetic Performance Institute was founded to provide a much-needed service lacking for young baseball and softball players in Northern California. With years of experience in baseball at both the collegiate and professional level, our leadership team used their knowledge to develop training and conditioning programs that focus on player assessments, development, and the importance of proper health and nutrition. We have assembled a team of certified strength and conditioning specialists and hitting and pitching coaches who have played at the college level. One of our facility’s greatest rewards and attractions is the camaraderie and lifelong relationships developed between players and our coaching staff. Our team is passionate about the games of baseball and softball and is dedicated to raising the level of play of all members at Kinetic Performance Institute.

What’s Expected From Players and Parents

Our staff of coaches and strength and conditioning specialists is dedicated to providing your young athlete the training and development they deserve, and we need the same level of commitment to our overall goals both from the players and the parents. This complete commitment involves having patience and a full understanding that a positive attitude helps develop skills on and off the field. The game of baseball is 90% mental, mistakes will be made, and learning from errors on the field and in life requires patience.

We Provide Technology Based Systems for Athletic Development

Our staff at Kinetic Performance Institute consists of experienced baseball instructors, coaches, and certified training and conditioning specialists. Every member of our training team is dedicated to preparing and developing your young athlete for their next level on the field and in life. Players at our facility will become students of baseball by learning fundamentals and many aspects of the game, including major league actions, footwork, and techniques. We work from the ground up by developing better swings, body actions, and glove control so the game becomes more effortless. By preparing players with the proper mechanics and technical skills they need, they’ll be able to perform more successfully at the next level.

Dreams Become a Reality Here

Kinetic Performance Institute focuses on guiding young athletes into great players in a structured environment. Through hard work, positive reinforcement, coaching, and mentoring, our goal is to instill a passion for technique and consistency in every facet of young players’ abilities. Our dynamic development program is driven by science that will help players reinforce their capabilities so they can attain their goals and excel as athletes on the field and as quality people in life. Our approach to player development consists of building a strong work ethic, developing essential skills, and providing all the necessary tools young athletes need to maximize their potential. We center our training and passion for excellence around every athlete’s individual needs, ensuring they develop an athletic foundation built for long-term success.

Schedule an Athlete Assessment Today

If you’re interested in scheduling an assessment for an athlete, contact us today. We offer free 30-minute consultations for all athletes at the eighth-grade level and below. There is an assessment for high school athletes and above that will be applied to the membership fee if the athlete joins our development program. View our Assessments page or contact us today to learn more.


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